We invite you to join the NAAOP leadership in representing the O&P profession on Capitol Hill as we fight to ensure a patient’s right to choose their own provider and to maintain fair and reasonable reimbursement in a timely manner.
With one of the largest freshman classes in Congress, 2019 can prove to be a revolutionary year and advocacy has never been more imperative. The Policy Forum is your best opportunity to learn the latest legislative and regulatory details and how they will affect you, your business and your patients. Once you are armed with the facts, we as a profession will educate our members of Congress to offer common sense solutions and share how the O&P profession restores lives and puts people back to work.
New to the Policy Forum? No worries, we have you covered with Lobbying 101, a pre-event civics refresher course that will also help you develop effective rhetoric when meeting with legislators. Your congressional appointments will be scheduled for you.
We hope to see you at this year’s Policy Forum May 7-8, and we invite you to bring a patient. The Policy Forum host hotel will be the Ritz Carlton Pentagon City, 1250 South Hayes Street, Arlington, VA.
Register Online at http://bit.ly/19PFReg. We hope to see you at the Policy Forum.
Should you have any questions about the Policy Forum in general, please contact AOPA at (571) 431-0876 or info@aopanet.org.